
The Erratic ride, released at EAS Amsterdam

27 September 2018
Category: Rides

ETF Ride Systems and Alterface Projects are proud to announce a true ground-breaking and unmatched interactive ride: “The Erratic Ride”.

It is the first non-linear mixed-media ride ever with dynamic scene changing, whereby players can determine the sequence depending on their ranking and preferences. It fully immerses and engages them into the story, which becomes more dynamic and fun. Furthermore, it can be installed on a relatively small space, yet with high throughput.

The well proven ETF trackless Multi Mover is the perfect match for the new and dynamic 'The Erratic Ride'. The vehicle speed, routing options, unlimited rotations of the body and reverse movements can be set in the design phase and can be altered any time and make this type of ride possible. The vehicles are designed to carry up to 6 passengers on two bench seats, each accommodating up to 3 persons.


© ETF Ride Systems